People today are somewhat confused by the effects UV rays can have on the body. There are indeed some positive benefits of UV rays but for the most part, UV rays can be remarkably harmful to our bodies and pose serious health risks to people of all ages.
The sun’s very natural and powerful rays provide not only comfort, warmth and light, but also can help stimulate the circulation of blood in the body and also contribute to increased production of Vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D, as we all know, is essential to the body’s bones, to skeletal development, to the formation of specific blood cells and to the function of the body’s immune system. In addition, regular sun exposure in healthy intervals naturally increases serotonin levels in the human body which increases both activity and attention span in many people.
Further benefits of UV exposure is the obvious use of these rays to treat various types of diseases, including eczema, jaundice, psoriasis and even rickets. Because of these important benefits afforded us by the sun’s UV rays, people tend to be of the mindset that UV rays are good for you and are in no way a risk to our bodies or to our health.
This cannot be farther from the truth. The benefits discussed above occur with moderate exposure to the sun’s UV rays not with extended sun tanning and sunbathing hours day after day, week after week. With a moderate exposure to the sun people can, in fact, enjoy these important benefits. However, it is imperative to understand that these benefits are not necessarily afforded with long term exposure to the sun. The definition of “moderate” exposure is simply exposing your body to the sun’s rays for approximately 10 or 15 minutes at a time, preferably three times per week (not seven) as most people believe.
Believing that daily exposure to the sun is not harmful to your skin and to your overall body and health, is completely incorrect. Studies have proven time and time again that when the body is exposed to any type of UV rays it automatically releases nitric oxide which contributes to low blood pressure. In addition, over exposure to UV rays has been proven to cause one of the most dangerous types of cancer today, malignant melanoma cancer.
The widespread research and studies performed with regard to the sun’s UV rays and long term exposure have revealed the many truths about the harmful effects UV rays have on the human body. Certainly we are all aware that over exposure of our bodies to sunlight can clearly result in the formation of cancer cells and ultimately be not only dangerous but every bit life threatening.
If you are one of the millions of people who love sunbathing and are determined to show off your dark, sexy tan, then be practical. Sunbathe in moderation and be certain to protect your skin at all times when exposed to the sun. Though a suntan can look quite appealing and remarkably attractive on anyone, the long term effects of over exposure to the sun’s UV rays which then result in varied forms of cancer, are not remotely appealing or attractive on anyone. Be smart and use every caution when sun tanning and when outdoors, where your face and body are continually exposed to the sun.

Paula Ryan is the creator of Spa tanning tablets. She has a PhD in nutritional sciences and is now studying food supplements further.
She lives in the south of England with her husband, daughter, and 2 cats. In her spare time she most enjoys, being a Mum, learning, cooking, keeping fit, and holidays abroad.