Statistics today tell us that more than 95% of melanomas are the result of over exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. This number includes exposure to the sun itself as well as exposure to UV rays by way of tanning beds. As a matter of fact, cancer researchers have confirmed that tanning beds and tanning lamps are in the highest cancer risk category. In addition, they have revealed that indoor tanning increases the overall risk of developing all different types of cancers, including melanoma cancer.
The Not So True Truths
One of the problems with the facts about indoor tanning sources is the misleading information that the tanning industry has conveyed to consumers that vitamin D is absolutely necessary for the human body and that people can rely on tanning beds for their source of vitamin D. This could not be farther from the truth. UVB radiation is needed in order to produce vitamin D not UVA radiation, which is found in the tanning bulbs used in tanning beds and lamps. With that said, the simple fact is that the vitamin D that is necessary to the body can be found in a wide range of foods, in a healthy diet or from a natural vitamin supplement.
The Truth about Melanoma
Research has revealed that even one serious sunburn can increase your chances of developing a melanoma cancer later on in your lifetime. Using tanning beds before the age of 30 also increases your risks by a staggering 75 percent. Plainly put, the more tanning sessions you engage in, the more hours you spend tanning indoors, and the more years you spend tanning in indoor beds, the higher your risk of developing all types of skin cancers as well as melanomas.
Some staggering statistics about melanoma include the fact that it is the most common type of skin cancer for young adults between the ages of 25 and 29 and the second most common type of skin cancer for younger individuals between the ages of 15 and 29. In addition, melanoma is the leading cause of death by cancer in women between the ages of 25 and 30 and the second leading cause of death by cancer in women aged 30 to 35. Further to these troubling statistics is the mere fact that there is a wide range of other skin cancers that result from over exposure to the sun and indoor tanning methods that can, over time, result in death as well.
Regardless of what you might read or advice that may be given by professionals in the tanning industry, there is no such thing as an ok or safe tanning method. When your skin gets tanned it is the result of damage that is caused to our skin cells. We all are aware that increased damage to skin cells can ultimately result in wrinkled skin, unattractive age spots, seriously premature aging and, of course, skin cancer. The bottom line is that any type of intentional tanning, whether in the sun or indoor sources, is never recommended and is flat out dangerous!
Paula Ryan is the creator of Spa tanning tablets. She has a PhD in nutritional sciences and is now studying food supplements further.
She lives in the south of England with her husband, daughter, and 2 cats. In her spare time she most enjoys, being a Mum, learning, cooking, keeping fit, and holidays abroad.