Having golden, glowing skin can help you to look radiant from head to toe, and now with a range of sunless tanning products it’s never been easier.
Spa Tanning Tablets are one of the latest products, allowing you to look naturally tanned without having to expose your skin to the harmful effects of UV rays. Just popping a pill every day will leave you looking bronzed with minimum effort.
Fake tan creams, gels and lotions are still very popular too but it’s essential to make sure you avoid certain things during application if you want a smooth and even result. Here’s a look at some of the top tips on what you should avoid when you apply fake tan.
Select Your Moisturiser Carefully
Moisturising after you’ve applied a fake tan is important as keeping your skin silky smooth and soft will help the colour to last longer.
However, it’s absolutely vital to choose the right type of moisturiser which is designed for fake tans. Some types of moisturiser contain oils and these can affect the development and evenness of the colour.
You could be forgiven for thinking that an after sun product would be perfect for use but this isn’t the case. These are specifically designed to repair the damage done by UV exposure and as such, are far too greasy for use with fake tan.
Take it Easy
Once you’ve applied your fake tan, you might well be motivated to really look your best but don’t plan on heading off to the gym just yet.
Getting sweaty and hot while your tan is still developing is a very bad idea as it could prevent the colour from developing evenly.
Wait at least 8 hours after applying your tan before you do any exercise and always make sure you’ve had a shower before you start.
One extra caution about heat: don’t plan on sunbathing either after you’ve applied fake tan. UV light can make the fake tan dry unevenly, giving you a very streaky appearance.
Beware of Staining
Everyone who’s applied fake tan knows about the risks of staining bedclothes and towels while the colour is drying on your skin.
However, the risk of staining certain materials can last much longer than you realise.
Most fake tans use DHA as the active ingredient and this can react with wool, silk and nylon for up to 8 hours after application. Wear any of these at your own risk!
For more info on fake tan click this link.

Paula Ryan is the creator of Spa tanning tablets. She has a PhD in nutritional sciences and is now studying food supplements further.
She lives in the south of England with her husband, daughter, and 2 cats. In her spare time she most enjoys, being a Mum, learning, cooking, keeping fit, and holidays abroad.